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Ā”Bienvenidos al blog del mejor Grow Shop Online, THEMARIASHOP! AquĆ­ encontrarĆ”s todo lo que necesitas para cultivar tus propias plantas de manera exitosa. AcompƔƱanos en este viaje, donde compartiremos consejos, guĆ­as y las Ćŗltimas novedades en productos y tĆ©cnicas para maximizar tus cosechas. Ā”PrepĆ”rate para explorar un universo verde lleno de conocimiento y experiencias gratificantes!

Nuevas variedades 2024 Royal Queen Seeds x Tyson 2.0
Grow Shop news

New strains Royal Queen Seeds x Tyson 2.0 2024

You’re not ready for what’s coming… We present you the new 2024 strains born from the successful collaboration of the Royal Queen Seeds x Tyson 2.0 seedbank, company of the famous boxer Mike Tyson. The genetics used for the creation of these varieties have been the best varieties selected by Mike, which have resulted in 3 feminized seeds and 3

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Novedades Eva Seeds 2024
Grow Shop news

New varieties Eva Seeds 2024

Eva Seeds is up to date by presenting its new 2024 varieties. This time they present us with a feminised variety that will leave no one indifferent, as well as another CBD seed from which we will obtain amazing plants. In addition, Eva Seeds’ new 2024 strains include the bank’s new autoflowering seeds. After many years in the growing sector,

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Cultivo Cannabis en balcon
Cannabis grow guide

Best cannabis strains for balcony or terrace growing

If you are thinking of growing cannabis, here are some of the best strains for grow on your balcony or terrace. There are many who decide to grow their own plants, but some do not have enough space to put many plants or not to be seen from the street or the neighbour. At themariashop we will show you which

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Cultivo de plantas en balcĆ³n
Cannabis grow guide

Growing cannabis on balcony or terrace

In this blog, we will explore in detail how to go about growing your own cannabis plants on a balcony or terrace, making the most of the outdoor conditions. We will discover practical tips, from preparing the space to harvesting, so that you can successfully enjoy your own cannabis garden. Ready to embark on this exciting cannabis adventure and transform

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Pre-flowering of cannabis - Cannabis plants not budding
Cannabis grow guide

Why are my cannabis plants not budding?

If we have decided to grow cannabis seeds, after the entire growth cycle we have reached flowering and the cannabis plants do not budding. Cannabis plants begin to flower to develop their own flowers, also known as buds, the final product any grower seeks. In our online grow shop we will resolve common doubts and problems that usually occur when

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Guerrilla grow of best seeds
Outdoor cannabis growing

Best seeds for guerrilla grow

In guerrilla cannabis grow we need to grow plants that can withstand the whole summer, that’s why we show you the best seeds for guerrilla grow. Our plants will spend days alone in full sun, with little water, under cold nights, enduring summer rains in the mountains, for that reason we must choose varieties that can withstand all this and

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Guerrilla cannabis grow
Outdoor cannabis growing

How do you grow guerrilla cannabis?

Guerrilla cannabis grow is a technique that has been adopted by many cannabis growers in order to keep their growing activity anonymous and away from prying eyes. This strategic approach involves grow cannabis plants in remote and hidden locations, away from private property and prying eyes. Guerrilla grow is an adventure that combines a passion for cannabis with the need

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Cuando cultivar marihuana en extrior
Outdoor cannabis growing

When to grow cannabis outdoors

Growing cannabis outdoors is an exciting activity for growers all over the world. In this guide, we will provide you with crucial information on when to grow cannabis outdoors depending on your location in the northern or southern hemisphere. We will also answer frequently asked questions about growing in different months of the year and the use of greenhouses. Growing

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Pink mould contaminated mushrooms kit
Magic Mushrooms

How to identify if a mushrooms kit is contaminated?

When cultivating magic mushrooms there is a possibility that we can get contamination in our mushrooms kit and our cultivation can become contaminated. The cultivation of magic mushrooms can be considered delicate, because at all times we must respect hygiene to the utmost. If we do not comply with this, there is the possibility of contamination of our mushroom crops,

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Tight Vac vacuum containers with silica gel
Magic Mushrooms

How to store magic mushrooms?

DespuĆ©s de una buena cosecha de setas mĆ”gicas, deberemos de conservar el sobrante de setas alucinĆ³genas. Por desconocimiento algunos cultivadores suelen conservarlas de una manera errĆ³nea en la que las setas mĆ”gicas pierden potencia (psilocibina), debido a que se degradan los compuestos psicotrĆ³picos. Si no lo hacemos bien se estropearĆ”n de rĆ”pidamente y tendremos que desecharlas. En nuestro grow shop

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Germination of cannabis seeds is illegal in many countries. Cannabis seeds are sold by www.themariashop.com as collectors’ items in countries where cannabis cultivation is illegal. All information available on this site is presented for informational purposes and is in no way intended to encourage illegal activities.

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Pineappple Express - Barney's Farm